Meet 'Marvelous Matt'…swim guide extraordinaire! Matt is the rare breed around here and was actually born in Florida, Highlands County to be exact. He loves sports and you'll find him cheering for ANY Florida team! He says he has a crazy family, so he is so glad to have the 'Manatee Fun' crew to keep him grounded and entertained! Nothing Matt loves more than pulling pranks on the crew and having a good laugh with good friends.
Marvelous Matt loves to tinker….so when he is not swimming with manatees you may find him making inventions, modifying different objects to make them useful or riding the team around on his go-kart. Man is it fast!! He also loves bugs, spiders and lizards… won't believe the species that he collects! He has been a fisherman, a wet suit washer and has worked his way up around here to earn the respect of all his peers.
Matt loves his co-workers, but his favorite part of his job is seeing his manatee friends daily. Monitoring their health and well-being, while teaching the public about their unique characteristics….Matt finds Manatees truly fascinating! He comes off as the strong, silent type, but get him talking about the things he loves, and he won't be shy! Matt's favorite color is green and he LOVES rock and roll….the louder, the better!
Matt doesn't know how he could ever retire; he may just go stir crazy. He thinks he'll find plenty of things to keep himself busy, but with more vacations then he currently takes! His ability to be patient and sense what his guests need, old and young, really set him apart from the crowd. He believes that a calm and rational mind can help us overcome all challenges in life. His motto to live by? 'Invest a little in the things that bring you enjoyment. Life is short, so fill your life with joy!' We couldn't have said it better Matt! Join Marvelous Matt for your tour, he can show you the difference a bit of humility and joy can make in your experience!